Carry Forward of June, 2020 Examination Fees to December, 2020 Examinations | CS Test Series
- By Admin
- 24 June 2020
Carry Forward of June, 2020 Examination Fees to December, 2020 Examinations & The Procedure
The present situation of COVID-19 pandemic has raised a matter of concern with regard to health and safety. Looking into such a situation, many of the students who have applied for the June, 2020 session examination (Rescheduled to be held in August 2020) may wish to appear in the December Examination Session. But as they have already paid the required examination fees, they may be concerned about it.
Considering such concern of students, the Institute has decided:
To allow the students to opt for December session examinations instead of June session To carry forward the Examination Fees paid by the students for each module to the December session exams In case the student desire to apply for additional modules, he is required to apply separately for a particular module in December exam session No provision of partial fees to be carried forward for the next session.
The students, who wish to avail such facility offered by the Institute, are required to do the same at the institute website by following below mentioned instructions: Procedure to carry forward the June, 2020 Examination Fees to December, 2020Examinations
● Go to -
● Get on to -Registered user
● Enter your User name, Password and verification code
● Click on Submit button
● Go to “Topic”
● Appearing in the dropdown list go for “Carry Forward Exam Fees”
● Go to Sub-Topic and from the dropdown list select- “From June 2020 to Dec 2020”
● Mention, please cancel my enrolment for june 2020 exam session, under the “Complaint Description” box.
● Take the scan copy of the declaration form (as prescribed format issued by the Institute, enclosed also) duly filled and signed and upload it under the “Document upload” section.
(The File format shall be jpg, pdf, png, jpeg with maximum limit of 1 MB)
Write the verification code and submit it
It should be noted that once the request has been received, it shall be Final and no further request for change shall be entertained by the Institute.
The window for the students for opting to carry forward the fees shall be opened for a
specific time period.
Date: 20 th June, 2020 – 30 th June, 2020
Time: 00.01 Hours to 23.59 Hours
- By Admin
- 24 June 2020
POSTPONEMENT OF ICSI JUNE 2020 EXAMINATIONS & Other Relevant Updates| CS Test Series
Looking into the present situation prevailing due to COVID-19, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India has further postponed the ICSI June, 2020 Examinations that were scheduled to be held from 6 th July to 16 th July, 2020.
The June session examination shall now commence from 18 th August and will end to 28 th August, 2020. The revised time tables of the different stages are:
Foundation Programme:
Day and Date of Examination |
Subject | |
Thursday, 27 th August, 2020 |
Paper-1 Paper-2 |
Business Environment and Law AND Business Management, Ethics and Entrepreneurship |
Friday, 28 th August, 2020 |
Paper-3 Paper-4 |
Business Economics AND Fundamentals of Accounting and Auditing |
Executive Programme:
Date | Executive Programme (Old Course) | Executive Programme (New Course) |
18.08.2020 |
Cost and Management Accounting |
Jurisprudence, Interpretation and General Laws (M-I) |
19.08.2020 |
Industrial, Labour and General Laws |
Securities Laws and Capital Markets (M-II) |
20.08.2020 | Tax Laws and Practice (M-I) (OMR Based) |
Company Law (M-I) |
21.08.2020 |
Company Accounts and Auditing Practices (M-II) |
Economic, Business and Commercial Laws (M-II) |
24.08.2020 | Company Law (M-I) | Setting up of Business Entities and Closure (M-I) |
25.08.2020 |
Capital Markets and Securities Laws (M-II) |
Corporate and Management Accounting (M-II) (OMR Based) |
26.08.2020 |
Economic and Commercial Laws (M-I) |
Tax Laws (M-I) (OMR Based) |
27.08.2020 | NO EXAMINATION | Financial and Strategic Management (M-II) (OMR Based) |
Professional Programme:
Date |
Professional Programme(Old Syllabus) |
Professional Programme (New Syllabus) |
18.08.2020 | Advanced Company Law and Practice (M – I) |
Governance, Risk Management, Compliances and Ethics (M – I) |
19.08.2020 | Information Technology and Systems Audit (M – II) |
Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence (M – II) |
20.08.2020 |
Advan. Tax Laws & Practice (M– III) |
Corporate Funding and Listings in Stock Exchanges (M – III) |
21.08.2020 | Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence (M – I) |
Advanced Tax Laws (M – I) |
24.08.2020 | Financial, Treasury and Forex Management (M – II) |
Corporate Restru. ,Insolvency, Liquid. & Winding – up (M – II) |
25.08.2020 |
Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings (M – III) |
Multidisciplinary Case Studies (M – III) [Open Book Exam.] |
26.08.2020 |
Corporate Restructuring, Valu. & Insolvency (Module – I) |
Drafting, Pleadings and Appearances (M – I) |
27.08.2020 | Ethics, Governance and Sustainability (Me – II) |
Resolution of Corporate Disputes, Non– Compliances and Remedies (M – II) |
28.08.2020 |
Elective subjects (M – III)[Open Book Exam.] |
Elective subjects (M – III)[Open Book Exam.] |
The Last Date of Registration for CSEET
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has announced the last date of registration for Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET):
Date: 27th July 2020
Day: Monday
1 st CSEET Exam schedule date: 29 th August, 2020.
Day: Saturday
Students can proceed to registration on the website of the Institute at following link:
One more attempt to students registered under 2012 old syllabus
Looking into the difficulties faced by the students due to COVID-19 pandemic, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has decided to provide one more attempt to the students of Executive and professional programmes who are registered under 2012 old syllabus.
They are allowed to appear in December, 2020 exams following the old syllabus.
As per the said announcement the students have two attempts:
● The June 2020 attempt, that is re-scheduled to be held in August, 2020 and or December, 2020 session
● For those who have opted to carry forward examination fees for June, 2020 (to be held in August, 2020) can appear in the December, 2020 session.
However the students who have switched to the new course shall continue to appear in the Examination following the new syllabus.
Also the students under old syllabus are required to compulsorily to switch new courses from June, 2021 session.
Summary: ICSI has further postponed the examinations and has rescheduled it to August, 2020 looking into the present situation of COVID-19. Also some relaxations have been provided regarding the number of attempts for old syllabus students and carry forward
of fees to December Examination sessions.
Exam Preparation For December 2020 Students | CS Test Series
- By Admin
- 22 June 2020
Exam Preparation For December 2020 Students | CS Test Series
You might have entered into a new stage of your professional course and thinking of how to prepare now for this stage. We are here to tell you the manner in which your preparation shall commence and take you to achieve your goal. Here is the strategy that will help you to complete your studies of your particular stage:
Start preparing well in advance
If you have opted for Self study you need to start well in advance without having a second thought that you have enough time or you cannot remember things studied one and half year back. Hard works pays and therefore an early start and continuous practice can give a
better output Identify your key subjects and other that are not in good part of yours Your professional course is fragmented practical subjects, semi practical subjects and theoretical subjects. Identify the subjects that you are comfortable with and which are your grey areas. Like if you are weak in practical subjects while theoretical subjects are your strength, then your strategy that be accordingly done. It is necessary because in your strengths you need to put less efforts than the other subjects in which you are not good.
Understanding the Topics & Concepts Through this you can understand practicalities which may be either through classes or self
study. What you need to do is:
Preparing notes or summarized format of your subjects, mark important topics while studying. Make sure you understand all concepts and do write it down; it will help you to recall when you prepare for your exam.
Just think you have to learn something new. What important is acquiring knowledge. So gain as much knowledge as possible. Don't think about exams right at this stage. Understanding the exam papers Pattern This will help you to understand how your exam papers actually look like? What type of questions are asked and how preparation can be done accordingly:
When you have completed your classes or self study, have a look on all latest papers. It may be of last 3 or 2 years and understand the structure of exam papers, see how actually they are set and what are the number allocation pattern.
By having a glance of exam papers you will get exam insights and when you will get back to study, you will know what type of questions you need to form to test yourself and how to prepare as per that.
Preparing for Exams (I stage of Revision)
This may take around 2 months and you need to prepare for exams, based on the pattern of exam papers you have seen. Based on what you have learned till date, you will solve everything keeping in mind the type of questions that are being asked in exams.
Self Check Revision (II stage of Revision) It may take around 1 month and this will be to gain confidence in what you have studied.
A real quick revision which may go like one chapter each of four different subjects per day.
No need to solve in details, just keep reading & find out the answers to it. You can roughly do one or two or questions.
Read questions and answer them orally.
Paper-solving (An Exam before Exam)
This will be one month before your exams and it will give you an environment of examination hall and understand your level of preparations. You schedule should include nothing but practicing Test Series or Test papers It should have rounds of paper-solving; this should be daily basis
Final One Day Match (III stage of Revision)
This should be to get ready for final round of exam studies and within last week before exam.
To rectifying mistakes noticed while solving paper.
You can make division by revising the complete portion in 75% of the day and use the rest 25% in solving the test papers.
Thus with a proper strategy, strong determination and continuous practice you can prepare well to achieve success in your professional course.
So, Let’s Begin Today!!!!!!
ICSI to take disciplinary Action against Students prefixing ‘CS’ in their name
- By Admin
- 22 June 2020
ICSI to take disciplinary Action against Students prefixing ‘CS’ in their name
In the 173 rd meeting held on June 23-24, 2007, the Council of the Institute decided that a MEMBER of the Institute is allowed to prefix CS to his name to distinguish himself from other professionals and in order to build a brand image of the CS profession.
A student is only enrolled as a MEMBER of the Institute only when he has completed the course along with the mandatory practical & other training requirements as prescribed by the Institute from time to time. It is necessary that the student has obtained the
membership. But it has come to knowledge of the Institute that some of the students are “Prefixing ‘CS’ before their names and are misrepresenting themselves as a Member of the Institute”
The institute of Company Secretaries of India on 11, June, 2020 issued an advisory, where it has warned the students with regard to taking strict disciplinary actions against the students who are practicing the same.
The institute has also clarified that merely:
Getting registered as a student OR
Qualifying the final examinations OR
Completing the practical trainings
cannot be sufficient to be called as a member of the Institute, there is a mandatory requirement to obtain the MEMBERSHIP of the institute. Prefixing CS before obtaining membership and representing as a member leads to contravention of section 24 of the
Companies Secretaries Act, 1980 and disciplinary action will be taken against that.
The Institute is strictly in vigilance to take note of the same and will take every step to prevent the usage of name. The Institute also mentioned that the said advisory has been issued to create awareness among the students and not to prefix CS before their name
until and unless they are not admitted as the MEMBER of the Institute. Looking into the section 24 of Companies Secretaries Act, 1980, it says:
24. Penalty for falsely claiming to be a member etc.
Subject to the provisions of section 7, any person who,—
(a) not being a member of the Institute,— (i) represents that he is a member of the Institute; or (ii) uses the designation “Company Secretary”; or (iii) uses the letters “A.C.S.” or “F.C.S.” after his name; or
(b) being a member of the Institute, but not having a certificate of practice, represents that he is in practice or practises as a Company Secretary, shall be punishable on first conviction with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, and on any subsequent conviction with imprisonment which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees, or with both.
Summary: An advisory to the students has been issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India regarding not to prefix CS before their name or represent them as a member of the Institute unless they have obtained membership of the institute. In case
they are found of doing so, there will be strict action taken against them.
THE LAST PREPARATION Strategy For CS Students | CS Test Series
- By Admin
- 16 June 2020
As time gap reduces for Final exams, students get worried for their last round of preparations. And the biggest curiosity they have is “HOW TO PREPARE CS EXAMS DURING THE LAST MONTH”.
It is believed that last month of any Exam Preparation is the crucial period of whole journey. If a student does well in this time, he will surely ensure a good result and achieve success in Exams. No matter, how much a student studied throughout the year but in the few days before the examination, he should try best to study and prepare for the exam papers.
We are here to with some of helpful tips and effective ways to know about how to prepare for your final exams in last one month before final exams.
1. Proper Time Management
Having just month? So you need to manage the remaining time for preparations and revision of the subjects. There is need to create a balanced study plan schedule so that you will be able to study all the subjects within a given time limit. Don’t mix up all the subjects at once. For this, make a time table of all the tasks you have to do.
It is advised to prepare a checklist and keep a track of what you’ve revised.
2. Look at your Notes for revision
A professional course has vast syllabus of subjects and it becomes difficult to revise all before examinations in such limited time. Look at your notes and prepare points for the important topics which will help you to recall everything in an easy way for Exam Preparation.
Pick up your brief notes subject wise and start reading as reading it for the final preparation can help you remember all the main points and write good answers.
3. “Take maximum from Test Series or solve Previous Years Question Papers”
This is proving to be most effective preparation tips when you are rushing out of time at your final preparations. This will help you not only to know the format of the exam paper but show you what your preparation till now is. While preparing during the last month for exams, practicing test series and sets give us an idea about the type of questions asked in the examinations and will get you to know the exam time limit within which you need to finish.
4. No Cramming Before the Exam
Many of the students have a habit of Cramming topics. This is totally the wrong way! It is always suggested that no new topics shall be touched before the exam as you may tend to forget the things you have already remembered. Before the examination, if you are learning something new, it is just like Cramming. Cramming will make you forget what you have already learned.
5. Reallocate your studies by categorizing Subjects
Professional courses consist of various subjects that can be categorized as some are memory-based; some are problem-solving; some are interpretation-based. For most effective way to prepare last month and learning, you should alternate between each subject categories in a long period of study time. This is one of the best methods among how to cover your study in a month.
6. Work on presentation
Your answer sheets need to be presented in a proper way as it has more chances of getting good scores in the subjects. So, also practice writing better answers before the exams so that you may get used to writing good answers. Utilize some of your time to get the maximum result out with a good presentation.
7. Revision within 24 hours
The three R’s which are very important to remember are Review, Recap and Reinforce in last 24 hours before your examination. It is said that if you failed to do so, you failed to remember 80% portion of the topic you’ve read.
Thus, revise it within 24hours of time in order to let retain all you have read in your mind for a long time.
8. Don’t panic while preparing for the exams
For sure have huge syllabus to cover up, a lot of burden of expectations and many more things but don’t let stress to rule over you and effect your preparations. Stay calm and take you back to what you have read and what will do it.
9. Your health is also important
It is very important to maintain a good healthy even if you have less time for exams. Have good breakfast, healthy lunch & a light dinner which shall keep mind alert and active the whole day long. Remember that a good food is essential for optimal thinking.
10. Explain your answers to others
There is great advantage in studies when you explain your answers to the questions put before you. One side this helps you in memorizing the things you read better and the other side it can make you know any weak area were you are lagging behind & need improvement.
With these some of the final exams last month study tips you can score much better in exams. All the best for your exams!
CS Training in Firm or PCS or Company
- By Admin
- 30 May 2020
CS Training under Firm or PCS or Companies
As per regulation of ICSI (as amended from time to time) a student is required to complete Practical experience and Training requirement in such a manner and mode as may be determined by the Institute. Presently Practical training for twenty one months after completion of Executive Development Programme has been determined that is required to be done:
In a company that has a company secretary in whole time employment or in any other company that qualifies the criteria as may be determined by the Institute. OR
Under a Practicing Company Secretary that qualifies such criteria as may be notified by the Institute. OR
In any institution or any other body corporate or entity that satisfy such condition as may be determined by the Institute.
The executive passed students, on whom the older training structure is applicable; they may start their training within 06 months i.e. on or before 3.8.2020 under earlier/modified training structure. Afterwards they will be automatically shifted to new training structure as determined under New Regulation, 2020
ICSI has issued the types of various entities eligible for imparting training and they are:
Company limited by Guarantee
MCA and its Offices
Law Firm
Govt Bodies
Financial Institutions
Company Secretary (PCS)
Training under law Firms
A student can undergo his CS Training in a law firm that is of 5 years old and having minimum 5 partners which shall impart training up to 3years/2years/one year or 21months in accordance with the provisions of Company Secretaries Regulation 1982 (as amended from time to time) and in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Council from time to time. Two trainees per partner subject to maximum 20 trainees in one law firm are allowed for undergoing training under law firms.
The best firms for CS training are registered with ICSI to impart training to the students ensuring to provide a good training environment to the trainees with adequate work exposure during the training and some of the well known firms are Chandrasekaran Associates, RSJ Associates, Singh & Associates, Nishi Talwar & Associates, MA & Associates, Khyati Shah & Co.
CS Training in a Company
Students of CS course can undergo CS Training in a Company whether public or private; listed or unlisted having paid up share capital of Rupees fifty lacs or more as well as under Company limited by Guarantee having gross annual receipt of Rs 1 crore or more as per last audited financial report.
A student who wish to undergo training under company can apply to the training section of the ICSI in Form (ST-10) mentioning the name of companies as per his preference along with EDP Certificate. List of companies for imparting 3years/2years/one year or 21months training registered for imparting training with the Institute is available on the website of the Institute.
“A student is required to undergo Practical training for twenty one months after completion of Executive Development Programme in a company that has a company secretary in whole time employment or any other company that satisfies such criteria as may be specified by the Institute.” – As per new regulation 2020.
Best company for CS training are registered with ICSI to impart training to the students while some of the well known companies for imparting training to the students are Corporate Professionals Capital Pvt. Ltd, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, Cummins India Limited, Hindustan Salts Limited, NHDC Ltd and Godfrey Phillips India Limited.
Scope of work in CS Training
Getting registered for practical training in a company gives an opportunity to a student to work with different departments. Hence the area of work in CS training in a company includes getting involved and working with various departments particularly:
Secretarial that includes handles board meetings, drafting minutes, support in shares issue & Legal section
Finance & Accounts which includes making costing estimates, Management Accounting, internal audit & assessment of duty and taxation
Administration which includes general administration, marketing, handling industrial
& public Relations, personnel and material Management etc
Articleship with a Practicing Company Secretary gives an exposure to work for even a small to a big company. The area of work in CS training in a firm involves project planning which includes promotion, formation and incorporation of companies, raising of financial resources, corporate restructuring, foreign collaborations and joint ventures abroad,
corporate laws advisory services companies act, state laws, tax planning and management income tax, issue of certificates under various statutes companies act/stock exchanges and personnel matters.
While CS training comparison under a company and a firm, a student is need to consider what his outlook for future is and based on the exposure, time management for studies and the career opportunities, the decision of undergoing training under a firm, company or a practicing company secretary shall be taken.
For variety of exposure and better placement & career opportunities, CS students always look for CS training in metro cities as there are number of well known companies, firms and practicing company secretaries that offer the most diverse work and build a strength to face new challenges in corporate and other sectors.
Now, this also need selection of the metro cities, in which training shall be opted. Students who wish to make their professional career in Industries can go for Gurgaon, Jaipur, Noida, Chandigarh and Jamshedpur. While those students who wish to practice in their future can look for the best firms at Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Banglore and Delhi.
Comparison of Training under a firm And Company
Basis | firm | Company |
Career Opportunities | If the career prospects is to practice in further, Firm shall give all the necessary exposures and help in building professional career as Practicing Company Secretary |
Opting company shall give opportunity to build the competence and skills in emerging as a Company Secretary. |
Work Exposure |
Assignments ranging from incorporation & business setups, liquidations, M & A's (rarely), compounding offences, holding AGM's and the related functions, listing compliance's, due diligence, matters relating to indirect taxation, drafting and vetting, board restructuring and financial restructuring and last but never the least, the experience of dealing with Directors and clients |
It is based on the working scope of the company on its core activities, issue and redemption of shares, paying dividend, preparing for the Board and Annual General Meetings and coordinating with other departments of Company. |
Stipend | Mostly it begins with minimum amount of Rs 4000/- per month for professional programme passed students |
Mostly it begins with Minimum amount of Rs 5000/- per month for professional programme passed students |
Summary: ICSI training structures has been defined by ICSI from time and CS students are required to undergo in the same manner and under different organization, firms, PCS and companies. It is believed that training period of any student is the most essential period where the ultimate motive of a student is to learn maximum and acquire knowledge and experience. Opting to commence training under Company or Firm depends mostly of the
future outlook of the student itself.
ICSI CS Traning Structure | CS Test Series
- By Admin
- 30 May 2020
ICSI CS Traning Structure
Important aspects of CS training Structure (both old and new) as per ICSI regulations CS course training details
Every student who undergoes CS course is required to acquire the practical experience and training requirements for obtaining membership of ICSI. After applicability of new regulation w.e.f from 03.02.2020, the training structure is:
i. 21 months long term practical training after passing the Executive Programme and completion of the one month EDP
ii. Executive Development Programme (EDP) that is of one month; consisting of 15 days class room mode and 15 days e-EDP after passing the Executive progarmme Examination.
iii. Corporate Leadership Development Programme (CLDP) of not less than 30 days but not exceeding 60 days after passing Professional progarmme Examination and completing training requirements.
Commencement of Training procedure
21months Management Training with the Company After passing Intermediate/Executive Programme, students are eligible to commence 21 months training. Procedure should be followed for undergoing 21 months Management
Training with the company as under:
i. Students are required to apply to the Institute (Training Section) in the prescribed CS training form ST 10 mentioning their choices of companies along with EDP Certificate.
ii. Institute will be forwarding the sponsorship letter (biodata letter) to the companies as requirement by them with a copy of it to the concerned student also.
iii. The student should contact the particular company after receipt of the letter from the Institute and seek for an appointment with regard to an interview
iv. The company after selection of student would forward appointment letter mentioning the date of commencement of the student training to the Institute for their records.
v. A final sponsorship letter shall be forwarded by the institute to the company with a copy of the same to the particular student also.
21month Apprenticeship training with Company Secretary in Practice
A student may undergo 21 months apprenticeship training after passing CS Executive Programme with a Practicing Company Secretary registered with ICSI for providing training as per the procedure specified: -
i) Before commencement of training, the student is required to apply for the issue of sponsorship letter in the prescribed training form available in the ICSI website.
ii) After getting the sponsorship letter from the Institute, a contract for apprenticeship training (CS training agreement) in the prescribed format (as per the Apprenticeship Training Guidelines, 1982 as modified from time to time) is required to be made between the PCS and the student on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value
applicable to different state, in duplicate. One copy of the contract is required to be kept with both the parties.
iii) On execution of contract for apprenticeship, within 15 day, the Company Secretary in Practice/ student is required to submit:
A copy of contract
The details as prescribed in Part A & B relating to employer and trainee
Copy of completion certificates of both EDP and Executive Programme.
Registration fee of Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only)
iv) Thereafter the Institute after taking the training on record will issue 21 months apprenticeship training registration letter to the Company Secretary in Practice with a copy to the student.
CS training amendment
There have been many amendments in the training structure of CS course. Major changes were made in the year 2014, 2016 and 2020. “Modified Training Structure” was introduced w.e.f. 1st April, 2014 and it was applicable to:
A student who has been registered to the Executive Programme on or after 1st April 2014; and
A student who has been registered on or before 31st March 2014, to the Executive Programme and opts for the modified training structure in place of the earlier training structure.
The major changes were in Long term internship with specified entities, where the changes were as under:
CS training after foundation: After passing the CS foundation programme, three years on registration to Executive Programme
CS training after executive: After passing CS Executive programme, two years.
CS training after professional: After passing CS Professional programme, one year.
With the introduction of new regulation in the year 2020, CS training period under Long term Practical Training was changed to Twenty one (21) months (only after completion of one month EDP and passing of Executive Programme).
For executive passed students, which are falling under the older training structure may start their training within 06 months i.e. on or before 3.8.2020 under earlier/modified training structure. Afterwards they will be shifted to new training structure under New Regulation, 2020 automatically.
CS 15 days training that was required to be completed under specialized agency as per old training structure has been discontinued as per the new regulation applicable from 03.02.2020.
CS MSOP training that was applicable to the students registered in CS Executive Programme on or before 31.03.2014 and students registered in CS Executive Programme on or after 01.04.2014 was dispensed with and it is not applicable under new regulation w.e.f 3.02.2020.
The detailed applicability can be accessed at available at ICSI site.
CS training applicability
ICSI has announced that from 03.02.2020 new training structure is effective. The earlier and modified training structure shall be closed from 03.08.2020. The students who fall under earlier and modified training structure can switch over to New training Structure.
Type of Training | Earlier Training Structure (CS Executive Programme registration on or before 31.03.2014) | Modified Training Structure(CS Executive Programme registration on or after 01.04.2014) |
Under New Regulation (w.e.f. 03.02.2020) |
Executive Developmen t Programme (EDP) |
Applicable and was of (8 days) |
Not Applicable | Applicable (one month i.e 15 days class room mode and 15 days e- EDP, after passing the Executive Programme Examination) |
15 days Academic Programme |
Not Applicable | Applicable (Executive Programme Examination passed on or after25.08.2015) 15 days= 2days Induction+ 3 days e- governance+5 days skill development +5 days Entrepreneurship) |
Not Applicable |
Long term Practical Training |
Fifteen (15) months (after passing Executive Programme) | On registration to Executive Programme- 3 years; Or After passing the Executive Programme- 2years; Or After passing the Professional Programme- 1 year |
After completion of one month EDP and passing of Executive Programme- 21 months |
Professional Development Programme (PDP) | Applicable(24 hours) | Not applicable | Not Applicable |
Training with Specialised agency |
Applicable (15 days) | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
CS training stipend
Particulars | Students who opted for training after taking registration in Executive Programme |
Executive Passed Students | Professional Passed Students |
If undergoing training under PCS | Minimum amount of Rs 2000/- per month | Minimum amount of Rs 3000/- per month | Minimum amount of Rs 4000/- per month |
If undergoing training at Company /other entities |
Minimum amount of Rs 3000/- per month | Minimum amount of Rs 4000/- per month | Minimum amount of Rs 5000/- per month |
CS training exemption
If a candidate is having working experience of desired duration as per the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982(as amended), he can seek exemption in the prescribed manner in CS training form st10 to the institute. The detailed guidelines can be accessed by the students who wish to claim exemptions and are required to submit the requisite
documents as per that.
Students can also find details related
ICSI CS Professional Programme Registration Details
- By Admin
- 20 May 2020
ICSI CS Professional Programme Registration Details
CS Professional registration details
CS Professional Pogramme is the last stage in the Company secretary course and the eligibility for CS professional registration is that it can be pursued only after clearing the Executive Programme of CS Course.
CS Professional registration validity
The registration to the regular stage of CS Course (consisting of Executive Programme & Professional Programme stages) is valid for a period of five years.
Students whose registrations have expired, but not passed Professional Programme Examinations, may seek Registration de-novo within five years of termination of their earlier registration.
With the introduction of new regulation 2020, “continuation of registration” has been introduced. Student can go through the details by following the link pass_stud.pdf available at ICSI site.
For more clarification of the students related to registration as per new regulation ICSI has
issued FAQ that can be accessed on
Pursuing CS Course after passing other professional courses & graduation
Arts, Science, Commerce Graduates/ Post Graduates (excluding Fine Arts) are eligible for admission to CS course and CS professional registration after graduation can be done after the student has passed the CS executive Programme of ICSI course.
Also CS Professional registration after CPT can be done after the student has passed the CS
executive Programme of ICSI course.
CS professional registration dates
The cut off dates for CS Professional programme registration is as under:
For June Session | For All Modules | 30th November (previous year) |
For June Session | For One Module | 31st January (same year) |
For December Session | For All Modules | 31st May (same year) |
For December Session | For One Module | 31st July (same year) |
With regard to registrations for December, 2020 Examinations, the CS professional registration important dates has been announced. The Cut- off- Date for registration in Professional programme is 31 st May, 2020 for appearing in both the modules in December, 2020.
CS professional registration fees
The registration fees for CS professional programme after passing executive programme is
as under:
Education Fee: Rs. 12000.00
Pre-Examination Test Fee Rs. 1000.00
Total Rs. 13000.00
However concessions in fees for registration to CS Professional programme are provided to following category of candidates:
Category |
Concession (as percentage of Registration Fee applicable) |
SC/ST | 50% |
Physically Handicapped | Only Registration Fee is to be paid. (at present “Registration Fee” for Professional Programme is NIL) |
ICLS Officers and Officials Ministry of Corporate Affairs | 100% |
Wards and widows of martyrs of Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and all para military forces |
100% |
Personnel of Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and all para military forces with permanent disability as a result of participating in act of war and other missions |
100% |
Service/ Retired personnel of Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and all para military forces |
50% |
Procedure for CS professional registration CS Professional registration form is available throughout the year. A candidate can register online at ICSI site. The procedure for the same is as under:
1. Login to Online Services at
2. Insert username and password.
3. Click Student and then select My Account
4. Click Professional Registration under “Payment Request” option
5. Select optional subject
6. Make Payment of Rs 12,000/- through Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking/challan.
7. You are successfully admitted in Professional Programme
8. For all successful payment an acknowledgement is generated (Very important)
CS Professional registration documents required Since the basic documents are already uploaded by the students at the time of their CS executive programme registration, so there are no such essential CS Professional registration documents to be uploaded at the time of registration. Only the student is required to upload the mark sheet copies of the CS Executive Programme.
CS Professional exam registration
The Receipt of CS Professional Examination Enrollment application (for appearing in June, 2020 Examination) is 25.03.2020 and the students can enroll for examinations at and follow the important instructions available on ICSI has also issued
guidelines with respect to examination enrollment for June, 2020 session of examinations
which can be followed at
ICSI CS Executive Registration Details
- By Admin
- 20 May 2020
ICSI CS Executive Programme Registration Details
CS executive registration details
CS Executive Programme is the second stage in the Company secretary course and the eligibility for CS executive registration for the candidates who wish to get enrolled for CS Executive programme are as follows:
Candidate has cleared Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 system) conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by the Central Government or State Government or equivalent thereto for the purposes of admission to Bachelor’s degree course;
Candidate has passed Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) conducted by the Institute. The date of result of CSEET should not be older than one year prior to the date of such registration. However exemptions are provided to CS Foundation pass candidates, Final Examination passed candidates of The Institute of Chartered Accountant of India/The Cost Accountant of India from undergoing CSEET.
As per old regulations the graduates were allowed for direct CS executive registration after graduation but with the new regulations “Graduates / Post Graduates, who were hitherto eligible to seek registration directly to Executive Programme, will also have to qualify the CSEET to become eligible for registration to Executive Programme”.
CS executive registration after bcom, Arts, Science, and Commerce Post Graduates (excluding Fine Arts) as well as CS executive registration after CPT are allowed but the candidates are required to qualify the CSEET to become eligible for registration to Executive Programme.
Also the concept of Provisional Registration to Executive Programme stands discontinued.
Students registered under Syllabus 2017 (including those switched over to Syllabus 2017 from earlier syllabus) and onwards shall be required to successfully complete Pre- Examination Test before seeking enrollment to CS Executive Programme.
CS executive registration validity
The registration to the regular stage of CS Course that consist of Executive and professional programme is valid for Five years.
CS executive registration fees
With the introduction of new regulations published on 3rd February, 2020, there has been revision on the fee structure of CS executive Programme which goes as mentioned:
CS Executive Program | Fees payable by the | students who | have passed | |
Particulars | CS Executive Entrance Test |
CS Foundation Programme |
Final Course of ICAI (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) | Final Course of ICMAI (The Institute of Cost Accountants of India) |
Registration fee | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 |
Education Fee | 6500 | 6500 | 6500 | 6500 |
CSEET Exemption Fee | Nil | Nil | 5000 | 5000 |
Pre_ Exam Test Fee | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 |
One Day Orientation Prog. | 600 | 600 | 600 | 600 |
Chartered Secretary Journal Subscription (Optional) for one year | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 |
Total | 10600 | 10600 | 15600 | 15600 |
However concessions in fees for registration to executive programme are provided to following category of candidates:
Category |
Concession (as percentage of Registration Fee applicable) |
SC/ST | 50% |
Physically Handicapped | Only Registration Fee is to be paid. (at present “Registration Fee” for Executive Programme is Rs.2000/- |
ICLS Officers and Officials Ministry of Corporate Affairs | 100% |
Wards and widows of martyrs of Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and all para military forces | 100% |
Personnel of Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and all para military forces with permanent disability as a result of participating in act of war and other missions | 100% |
Service/ Retired personnel of Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and all para military forces | 50% |
CS executive registration dates
The cut off dates for CS executive programme registration is as under:
31st May (for appearing in both modules of Executive Program in December session in same year)
31st July (for appearing in single module of Executive Program in December session in same year)
30th November (for appearing in both modules of Executive Program in June session in next year)
31st January (for appearing in single module of Executive Program in June session in same year)
With regard to registrations for December, 2020 Examinations, the CS executive registration important dates has been announced. The Cut- off- Date for registration in Executive programme is 31st May, 2020 for appearing in both the modules in December, 2020.
Procedure for CS executive registration
CS executive registration form is available throughout the year. A candidate can register online at ICSI site on The procedure for the same is as under:
Step 1: In order to Register for “Executive Programme”, type in any recommended browser (IE 9, Mozilla 38.0 & above, Chrome 39.0), then click on “Online Services”. Now, click on link “Foundation/Executive Registration”
Step 2: Click on student Registration and after selecting the necessary documents list i.e. CS executive registration documents click on proceed to registration
Step 3: Fill Basic Detail, Select “New Registration” for first time user
Step 4: Unique Id Generation; please note it and use in case of unsuccessful payment to pay again
Step 5: Fill Qualification Detail
Step 6: Fee Detail & Source of Information
Step 7: Upload Mandatory Documents
Step 8: Preview Application
Step 9: Payment Mode Selection
Step 10: Transaction Id Generation. Note transaction Id for future reference
On Successful Payment, a student will be registered in Executive Programme and same will be intimated through email/sms on registered email id/mobile number. Thereafter documents would be verified by the Institute. After verification, the application shall be approved by the Institute in case a student fulfills the eligibility criteria.
CS executive registration documents required
The lists of documents required for registration of CS Executive programme at ICSI are asunder:
Photograph of the candidate
Signature of the candidate
DOB Certificate (10th pass certificate)
Qualification Certificate (12th Mark sheet or Certificate /ICAI/ICMAI Final PassCertificate)
Category certificate (Other than general)
Identity proof (Aadhaar Card/Passport/Voter ID /Pan Card/Driving License/RationCard)
CS executive exam registration
The Receipt of CS executive Examination Enrollment application (for appearing in June, 2020 Examination) is 25.03.2020 and the students can enroll for examinations at and follow the important instructions available on
Compulsory switchover from Executive Programme (Old Syllabus) to Executive Programme(New yllabus)
It has been notified by ICSI that last examination under Executive Programme (Old Syllabus) shall be held during June, 2020 Session. From December, 2020 Session onwards, all students under Executive Programme (Old Syllabus) shall be compulsorily required to switchover to Executive Programme (New
ICSI CSEET Registration Details
- By Admin
- 20 May 2020
ICSI CSEET Registrations – The process and important details
With the amendment in Company Secretaries regulation, 2020, new entrance method has been introduced for the students who wish to join the CS course and make their career as a Company Secretary. The only qualifying entrance test for CS Executive programme is CSEET and with this the Foundation programme has been discontinued with effect from 3 rd of February, 2020.
CSEET registration details
ICSI has made announcements with regard to CSEET registration dates. A candidate who wishes to appear in the CSEET examinations is required to get registered with the Institute as per the guidelines issued:
Month of CSEET | Period During which candidates can register for CSEET |
May | 16th December to 15th April |
July | 16th April to 15th June |
November | 16th June to 15 th October |
January | 16th October to 15th December |
However The Last date for registration for CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) appearing in May, 2020 session was April 15, 2020, but due to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the last date of registration for CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) appearing in May, 2020 session was extended to Tuesday, the 5th May, 2020 up to 23:59 Hours. With this CSEET (May, 2020 session) was also been proposed to be conducted on Thursday, the 28th May,
But a new announcement has been made by ICSI on 4 th May 2020, that In view of the extended lockdown announced by Government of India and prevailing situation due to COVID 19, Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) proposed to be held on Thursday, 28th May, 2020 is postponed. CSEET is now scheduled to be held on “Friday, the 17th July 2020”.
Also there has been an important announcement with regard to CSEET registration important dates which states that the “Last date of registration for appearing in above CSEET shall be Monday, the 15th June 2020”. Students can also go to the circular by clicking on
CSEET registration fees
The Registration Fees for candidates appearing in CSEET is Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) per student for per sitting. However concessions are provide on certain grounds, the details of which are as under:
Category | Concession (as percentage of Registration Fee applicable) |
SC/ST | 50% |
Physically Handicapped | 50% |
Wards and Widows of Martyrs and Defence Service Personnel with Permanent Disability |
100% |
Serving / Retired Personnel of Defence Services and Paramilitary Forces |
50% |
ICSI Staff and Wards / Spouse of ICSI Staff |
75% |
ICLS Officers/ Officers & Staff of MCA and affiliated offices (NCLT, SFIO and CCI) |
100% |
Students from North Eastern States, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep & Himachal Pradesh |
50% |
Students from the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh |
100% |
CSEET registration Process at ICSI Site
With the online services of ICSI a candidate can fill the CSEET registration form.
The steps for CSEET exam registration are as under:
Step 1: In order to register for “CSEET”, type in any recommended browser (IE 9, Mozilla 38.0 & above, Chrome 39.0), then click on “Online Services”
Step 2: Click on the link for registration for CSEET.
Step 3: Fill Basic Details
Step 4: Fill Qualification Details
Step 5: Fee Details
Step 6: Upload Mandatory CSEET registration documents.
Step 7: Preview Application Click on “Confirm Application” button after previewing
Step 8: Payment Mode Selection
Step 9: Transaction Id Generation. Note transaction Id for future reference.
On successful payment, candidate will be registered in CSEET and same will be intimated through email/SMS on registered email id/mobile number. Candidate can appear for the CSEET as per the schedule sent through email/SMS.
Here the mandatory CSEET registration documents required are:
Photograph of the candidate (size 20kb to 50kb)
Signature of the candidate (size 10kb to 20kb)
DOB Certificate (10th pass certificate)
Admit Card/ Hall Ticket for 10+2 Examinations (if appearing) or 10+2 Pass Certificate/ Mark Sheet
Category Certificate (for availing Fee Concession)
Identity proof (Aadhar card/passport/voter ID /pan card/driving license/ration card)
(The candidates should note that all the files to be uploaded while registering for CSEET should be in one of the formats viz. jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, pdf and the maximum allowed file size is 2 MB).
CA, CS and CMA Course Details
- By Admin
- 20 May 2020
CA, CS and CMA Course Details
Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary and Cost and Management accountant are some of the top and popular professional courses being pursued by the students all over India. Some of the students pursue these professional courses simultaneously for the reason that ca cs cma course details are to some extent related with each other and there are certain exemptions being provided by the respective institutes to those candidates who have eitherqualified either intermediate or final stage of the different professional courses i.e. CA, CS or CMA. Also there are many similar aspects with respect to the eligibility of the candidates for the courses, the stages of the courses as well as the training requirements.
A brief about the three professional course details
CA CS course details
CA course is about Encouraging young talented students having aptitude for accounting education to make an early entry to the profession through Foundation Route and also encouraging graduates and other appropriately qualified students to pursue this course through direct entry. It aims to complement theoretical education with practical training.
Stages of CA course
- Foundation :- (Application Comprehension & Knowledge )
- Intermediate :- (Analysis & application , Comprehension & knowledge )
- Final :- (Evaluation & Synthesis , Analysis & application , Comprehension & Knowledge)
CS course is a professional course propound by ICSI with a mission “to develop high caliber professionals facilitating good corporate governance” It is a course that transform students into modern corporate professionals.
However the students can follow the link to get more information about the course details and other relevant information.
Stages of Company secretary course
1. CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) (Earlier Foundation programme)
2. Executive Programme
3. Professional Programme
Students who wish to know more about CS course can follow the link
CMA course details
CMA course propounded by the Institute of cost accountants of India believes in cultivating and enhancing skills of success. This course has been designed to meet the Industry requirements and challenges in Global Economic Scenario. It has Six Skill Sets i.e
Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation. It has Motto to create student friendly syllabus and Industry friendly students.
Stages of CMA course
1. Foundation Course (Knowledge and comprehension)
2. Intermediate Course (Application and Analysis)
3. Final Course (Synthesis and evaluation)
Candidates who wish to look into the detailed procedure of admission, eligibility criteria, stages and fees details can visit
CA CS foundation course
CA Foundation
The entry to CA course is categorized into two. The first one is the Foundation Mode and the second is the Direct Entry mode. A candidate is required to follow the under mentioned procedure:
i. Enrollment for foundation after appearing 12 th class examination
ii. Registration till 30th June/ 31st December for eligibility to appear in November/ May
Foundation Course Examination respectively.
iii. Appearing in Foundation Examination after passing 12 th class Examination
Subjects covered in Foundation Course
Paper-1: Principles and Practice of Accounting (100 Marks)
Paper-2: Business Law & Business Correspondence and Reporting (100 Marks)
Section A: Business Law (60 Marks)
Section B: Business Correspondence and Reporting (40 Marks)
Paper-3: Business Mathematics and Logical Reasoning & Statistics (100 Marks)
Part I: Business Mathematics and Logical Reasoning (60 Marks)
Part II: Statistics (40 Marks)
Paper-4: Business Economics & Business and Commercial Knowledge (100 Marks)
Part I: Business Economics (60 Marks)
Part II: Business and Commercial Knowledge (40 Marks)
(Paper-3 and Paper-4 are objective type papers with negative marking.)
CS Foundation
With the amendment in Company Secretaries regulation, 2020, new entrance method has been introduced for the students who wish to join the CS course. Now CSEET is the only qualifying entrance test for CS Executive programme and with this the Foundation programme has been discontinued with effect from 3rd of February, 2020. However the
candidates who have registered themselves before the said date are to follow the following
course details:
Paper-1 Business Environment and Law
Paper-2 Business Management, Ethics and Entrepreneurship
Paper-3 Business Economics
Paper-4 Fundamentals of Accounting and Auditing
Exemptions while Pursuing CA and CS course
ICSI has come up with some exemptions to ICAI (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) Final Course passed students. A candidate can pursue CS course after CA and as per new regulation of ICSI those Candidates who have passed the Final Examination of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) are exempted from CSEET and shall pay Rs. 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand Only) towards exemption fee at the time of Registration to
CS Executive Programme.
However a candidate can pursue CS course along with CA as both these professional courses are regarded as a greatest combination for the commerce stream students. The reasons why CS and CA are simultaneously opted by the candidates are that:
They have common syllabus just the point of difference is that each have core subjects like tax , accountancy is found in CA as core subjects while Law subjects are core one in CS. If a candidate takes up both the professional courses from its initial stage, he needs to get qualified for every stage and undergo compulsory training requirements as per the guidelines of the respective Institutes.
Also it opens up great prospective in near future if a candidate is qualified as both CA and CS as it forms a complete package where he can utilize his expertise andknowledge for large corporate.
CS course duration after CA
As a candidates who have passed the Final Examination of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) are exempted from CSEET, so they can directly apply for registration to Executive programme. As per ICSI the duration of CS Executive programme is of nine months and the registration to the regular stage of the CS Course (consisting of Executive Programme & Professional Programme stages) is valid for a period of five years. During this period a candidate is required to qualify for both stages else can apply for re- registration.
Basis | CA Course | CS Course | CMA Course |
Governing Body | Institute of Chartered accountant of India |
Institute of Company Secretaries of India |
Institute of Cost accountants of India |
Eligibility to course |
Qualified the Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 examination) |
Senior Secondary (10+2) Examination Pass candidates in Arts, Science & Commerce Streams (excluding Fine Arts) are eligible for admission |
Passed Class X-Eligible for Admission in Foundation course/ Passed Class XII Eligible to appear in exam |
Entry Modes | 1. Foundation 2. Direct Entry (Commerce Graduates/CS/C MA Passed) |
1. CSEET 2. Direct to Executive stage to CA/CMA Passed) |
1. Foundation 2. Direct to graduates in any discipline other Fine arts/ Qualified CAT of CMA/ICSI Foundation/ ICAI Intermediate |
Core subjects | Direct and Indirect Taxes, Accountancy, Audit | Corporate and other laws, Governance and drafting |
Cost accounting and financial management |
Examinations | May and November | June and December | June and December |
Training Requirements |
Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (ICITSS) Advanced Integrated |
Executive Development Programme (EDP) Long Term Internship with specified entities Management Skills Orientation Programme ( MSOP) Corporate Leadership Development Programme (CLDP) (Applicability based on student Registration dates) |
Communication and Soft Skill (CSS) Training Computer Training Industry Oriented Training Programme (IOTP) Practical Training |
ICSI CS professional Programme - the Final stage to become a Company Secretary
- By Admin
- 18 May 2020
ICSI CS professional Programme
The Final stage to become a Company Secretary
A number of processes / guidelines have changed pertaining to student registration, examination, enrollment, etc. pursuant to issue of company secretaries (amendment) regulations, 2020. With regard to Professional programme also there have been some changes.
CS professional registration
Registration to Professional Programme for appearing in the Company Secretaries
Examinations held in June and December every year shall be as under:
Session | No. of Module(s) in which a Student can appear in the Examinations |
Cut-off date for Registration to Professional Programme |
June |
All Modules |
30th November (previous year) |
Any One Module |
31st January (same year) |
December | All Modules | 31st May (same year) |
Any One Module | 31st July (same year) |
Registration of Professional Programme students should be valid as on the date of submission of CS Professional Exam Form. If the validity of registration has expired, they will have to seek Registration Denovo to become eligible for submission of examination enrolment request.
CS Professional Fees Structure
After passing CS Executive programme a student is required to pay a sum of Rs. 13000/- which shall include Rs. 12000/- as Education Fees and Rs. 1000 as Pre-Examination Test Fee. Also Students who have passed Intermediate Course / Executive Programme of CS Course under any Syllabus and their registrations have expired but are not eligible for Registration De Novo need to apply for Re-Registration to Professional Programme by paying Rs.
CS Professional Syllabus
The study of Professional programme is based on two syllabuses. The first one is as per old course and the second one is new course. The CS professional Subjects included in these syllabuses are:
Professional Program (syllabus – w.e.f. 1st September 2013)
CS professional group 1
- Advanced Company Law and Practice
- Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence
- Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency
CS professional group 2
4. Information Technology and Systems Audit
5. Financial, Treasury and Forex Management
6. Ethics, Governance and Sustainability
CS professional group 3
7. Advanced Tax Laws and Practice
8. Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings
9. Electives 1 out of below 5 subjects
i. Banking Law and Practice
ii. Capital, Commodity and Money Market
iii. Insurance Law and Practice
iv. Intellectual Property Rights - Law and Practice
v. International Business-Laws and Practices
CS professional New Syllabus (w.e.f. 1st September 2018)
CS professional group 1
- Governance, Risk Management, Compliances and Ethics
- Advanced Tax Law
- Drafting, Pleadings and Appearances
CS professional group 2
4. Secretarial Audit
5. Corporate Restructuring
6. Resolution of Corporate Disputes
CS professional group 3
7. Corporate Funding & Listings in Stock Exchanges
8. Multidisciplinary Case Studies
9. Electives 1 Out Of Below 8 Subjects (the examination for this paper will be open book
i. Banking Law and Practice
ii. Insurance Law and Practice
iii. Intellectual Property Rights– Laws and Practices
iv. Forensic Audit
v. Direct Tax Law & Practice
vi. Labour Laws & Practice
vii. Valuations & Business Modelling
viii. Insolvency – Law and Practice
CS Professional June Examinations
CS Professional June Timetable
In view of the extended lockdown announced by Government of India and prevailing situation due to COVID 19, the June, 2020 examinations has been postponed and revised dates of examinations have been issued by ICSI which shall begin from 6 th of July, 2020. The revised time table can be obtained at the following link of ICSI-
Information about uploading of CS Professional Admit Card shall be informed by the ICSI. However as per cut off dates released by ICSI, the date of CS Professional Result shall be 25.08.2020
ICSI - CS Executive Programme
- By Admin
- 18 May 2020
ICSI - CS Executive Programme
ICSI has come up with many changes in examination procedure and eligibility criteria. With the introduction of new regulations, a number of processes / guidelines have changed pursuant to issue of company secretaries (amendment) regulations, 2020
Eligibility for CS executive registration
The candidates who wish to get enrolled for CS Executive programme must qualify the followings:
Candidate has passed Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 system) conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by the Central Government or State Government or equivalent thereto for the purposes of admission to Bachelor’s degree course;
Candidate has passed Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) conducted by the Institute. The date of result of CSEET should not be older than one year prior to the date of such registration
CS Executive Fees Structure
There has been revision on the fee structure of CS executive Programme which goes as mentioned:
CSEET passed: Rs. 10600
CS Foundation passed: Rs. 10600
ICAI Final passed: Rs. 15600
ICMAI Final passed: Rs. 15600
CS Executive Syllabus
The syllabus of CS executive as per old course comprises of two modules which contain the
following subjects:
Module I
i. Company Law
ii. Cost and Management Accounting
iii. Economic and Commercial Laws
iv. Tax Laws and Practice
Module II
i. Company Accounts and Auditing Practices
ii. Capital Markets and Securities Laws
iii. Industrial, Labour and General Laws
CS Executive New Syllabus
ICSI Institute has introduced new syllabus for the students of CS executive programme that is effective from 1 st March, 2018. It consists of CS executive group 1 and CS executive group 2. Each group has 4 papers. The CS Executive Subjects as per new syllabus are:
i. Jurisprudence, Interpretation & General Laws
ii. Company Law
iii. Setting Up Of Business Entities and Closure
iv. Tax Laws
Group- II
i. Corporate & Management Accounting
ii. Securities Laws & Capital Markets
iii. Economic, Business and Commercial Laws
iv. Financial and Strategic Management
CS Executive Examination
Student can enroll for examination and fill the CS executive Exam Form through using online
services at the institute site. The last date of the submission of the form is 25 th March.
Information about uploading of CS Executive Admit Card shall be informed by the ICSI.
However as per cut off dates released by ICSI, the date of CS Executive Result shall be
CS Executive June Timetable
In view of the extended lockdown announced by Government of India and prevailing situation due to COVID 19, the June, 2020 examinations has been postponed and revised dates of examinations have been postponed and revised
dates of examinations have been issued by ICSI which shall begin from 6 th of July, 2020. The
revised time table is:
Date | Executive Programme old Syllabus | Executive Programme New Syllabus |
06.07.2020 Monday |
Cost and Management Accounting (Module-I) (OMR Based) |
Jurisprudence, Interpretation and General Laws (Module-I) |
07.07.2020 Tuesday |
Industrial, Labour and General Laws (Module-II) (OMR Based) |
Securities Laws and Capital Markets (Module-II) |
08.07.2020 Wednesday |
Tax Laws and Practice (Module-I) (OMR Based) |
Company Law (Module-I) |
09.07.2020 Thursday |
10.07.2020 Friday |
Company Accounts and Auditing Practices (Module-II) |
Economic, Business and Commercial Laws (Module-II) |
11.07.2020 Saturday |
Company Law (Module-I) |
Setting up of Business Entities and Closure (Module-I) |
12.07.2020 Sunday |
13.07.2020 Monday |
Capital Markets and Securities Laws (Module-II) |
Corporate and Management Accounting (Module-II) (OMR Based) |
14.07.2020 Tuesday |
Economic and Commercial Laws (Module-I) |
Tax Laws (Module-I) (OMR Based) |
15.07.2020 Wednesday |
Financial and Strategic Management (Module-II) (OMR Based) |
Alteration in Capital clause | Company Law
- By Admin
- 09 May 2020
Alteration in Capital clause
Section 61 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides that a limited company having a share capital may, by passing an ordinary resolution in a general meeting, alter the capital clause of its memorandum; provided authority to alter is given to it by its articles of association. A notice of alteration is required to be filed with the ROC in Form No. SH.7 within 30 days.
How Capital clause is altered?
Section 61(1) provides that Capital Clause can be altered in any of the following ways :-
(a) By increasing its authorized share capital by such amount as the company requires;
(b) By consolidating existing shares into shares of larger denomination;
(c) By converting fully – paid shares into stock or vice – versa;
(d) By sub-dividing its existing shares into shares of smaller denomination; and
(e) By cancelling shares which have not been taken up or agreed to be taken up and diminishing the amount of its share capital by the amount of the shares cancelled.
Such cancellation is known as diminution of share capital and shall not, however, be deemed as reduction of share capital within the meaning of Sec. 66.
However no consolidation and division which results in changes in the voting percentage of shareholders shall take effect, it is approved by the NCLT on an application made in the prescribed manner.
MCQ Of the day
Notice of Alteration of capital to be filled with ROC in which form?
(a) SH1
(b) SH2
(c) SH5
(d) SH7
Answer - D
CSEET - Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test
- By Admin
- 07 May 2020
CSEET - Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test
Introduction of CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) With the amendment in Company Secretaries regulation, 2020, new entrance method has been introduced for the students who wish to join the CS course and make their career as a Company Secretary. This is the only qualifying entrance test for CS Executive programme and with this
the Foundation programme has been discontinued with effect from 3 rd of February, 2020. Objective of Introducing CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET)
Enhancing quality of future members is the objective of ICSI for Vision 2022 and in line with this CSEET ICSI has introduced with the following objectives:
- To have diverse academic standards of students seeking admission in the Company
Secretaryship Course - To attract meritorious students
- To test their aptitude for the Company Secretary Profession
- CSEET about Its Eligibility and Pattern
- Clearing CSEET is made mandatory for every candidate who wishes to join the CS course and
Registration for Executive programme and CSEET admission is available to:
- A candidate passed / appearing in the Senior Secondary (10+2) Examination or
- equivalent thereto is eligible to appear in the CSEET.
- All Graduates/ Post Graduates who were hitherto eligible for registration directly to CS
- Executive Programme, are also required to pass the CSEET to become eligible for
registration to Executive Programme.
However exemptions are provided to CS Foundation pass candidates, Final Examination passed candidates of The Institute of Chartered Accountant of India/The Cost Accountant of India. CSEET test is a Computer based Test of 120 Minutes (Objective type/Multiple choice) which includes:
I. Business Communication
II. Legal Aptitude & Logical Reasoning
III. Economic and Business environment &
IV. Current Affairs
Viva Voce of 15 Minutes on “Presentation and Communication Skills”
CSEET subjects
The subjects include the following along with a Viva Voce of 15 Minutes to be conducted through online mode right after finishing the Computer based Test.
I. Business Communication
II. Legal Aptitude & Logical Reasoning
III. Economic and Business environment &
IV. Current Affairs
Registrations and conducting of CSEET Examinations
ICSI has made announcements with regard to cseet registration and fess, the period and the amount which a candidate is required to follow for getting registered for CSEET that will be held on quarterly basis.
Month of CSEET Period During which candidates can register for CSEET
CSEET exam dates shall fall as per following
May 16th December to 15th April Saturday/ Sunday in 2nd /3rd Week of May
July 16th April to 15th June Saturday/ Sunday in 2nd /3rd Week of July
November 16th June to 15 th October Saturday/ Sunday in 2nd /3rd Week of November
January 16th October to 15th December Saturday/ Sunday in 2nd /3rd Week of January
The Registration Fees for candidates appearing in CSEET is Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) per student for per sitting.
However concessions are provide on certain grounds, the details of which are available at the ICSI website.
CSEET syllabus
The complete syllabus of CSEET is divided into:
- Paper I: Business Communication
It includes topics:
Essentials of Good EnglishCommunication
Business Correspondence
Common Business Terminologies
- Paper II: Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning It includes topics:
- Indian Constitution
Elements of General Laws (Indian Contract Act and Law of Torts)
Elements of Company Secretaries Legislation
Elements of Company Law
Legal Reasoning
Logical Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning
Non-Verbal Reasoning
- Paper III: Economic & Business Environment It includes topics:
- Basics of Demand and Supply and Forms of Market Competition
National Income Accounting and Related Concepts
Indian Union Budget
Indian Financial Markets
Indian Economy & Entrepreneurship Scenario
Business Environment
Key Government Institutions
- Paper IV: Current Affairs, Presentation and Communication Skills (Viva Voce) It will be including questions related to current affairs and viva voce on listening, writing and oral communication skills.
CSEET course details can also be explored by the candidates at ICSI website and they can process for the registration at CSEET study material Candidates who are preparing for the CSEET can go through followings:
- CSEET e-bulletins issued by ICSI for every month at the website
- Online schedule classes are available at the website
- Reference reading materials
- Mock tests
Summary: ICSI has come up with some major changes in the CS course and CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) is being introduced which will be a mandatory qualifying test for all categories of students for registration to Executive Programme. The CSEET shall be an online Computer- based Test comprising of MCQs from subjects of Business Communication, Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, Economic & Business Environment and Current Affairs with audio clips, video clips, and descriptive questions.
Everything About CS - Company Secretary Course
- By Admin
- 05 May 2020
Everything About CS - Company Secretary Course
CS course: Transforming students into modern corporate professionals
CS course is a professional course propound by Institute of Company Secretaries of India, a statutory body formed under an Act of Parliament with a mission “to develop high caliber professionals facilitating good corporate governance”
Now, before having an outlook about the qualifications, eligibility criteria, stages and examinations, it is necessary to know the functions of a Company Secretary and its employment opportunities.
- A compliance officer
- Corporate, company law and other law expert
- Corporate planner and strategic manager
- Key managerial personnel of company
- Important link between company and its Board of Directors, Shareholders, government and other statutory bodies.
Employment opportunities
After being a qualified Company Secretary, there are two employment opportunities:
- Company Secretary in Employment
- Self employment i.e Employment in Practice
Stages of Company secretary course
- CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) (Earlier Foundation programme)
- Executive Programme
- Professional Programme
- Pre- Membership Training -24 Months (Earlier 16 months)
This is a distance learning/correspondence course which can be pursued with optional class room teaching. A student can register himself or through counselors on as admissions are open throughout the year.
Eligibility Criteria for different stages
- A candidate passed / appearing in the senior secondary (10+2) examination or equivalent thereto.
- All graduates/ post graduates, who were eligible for registration directly to CS Executive Programme, are also required to pass the CSEET to become eligible for registration to Executive Programme.
However exemptions are provide to those candidates who have passed Foundation Examination or Final Examination of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and/or the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI)
Executive Programme
Candidate has passed senior secondary examination (10+2) or an examination recognized by the Central Government or State Government or equivalent thereto that is necessary for of admission to bachelor’s degree course;
Candidate has passed Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) conducted by the Institute and as on the date of registration the result of the CSEET shall not be older than one year.
Professional Programme
A candidate must have registered himself as a student for the Professional Programme at least nine calendar months prior to the month in which the examination commences.
Fees Structure
The Fees Structure for registration at various stages of the CS course is as under:
- For appearing in CSEET is Rs. 1,000/- per appearance by a candidate.
- For registration to Executive Programme Rs 10,600/- (CSEET and CS foundation passed) and Rs 15600/-(ICAI Final and ICMAI Final passed)
- For registration to Professional programme after passing CS Executive programme is Rs. 13000/-.
However concession in CSEET Registration fees is applicable to various students as per norms of the Institute.
Paper or the course subjects
The paper or the course of each stage are divided in various modules and are available at the site of ICSI.
- The CS examinations are conducted twice in a year. In the month of June and December
- A student is required to pay the examination fees for different programmes as fixed by the institute for each appearing modules.
- The medium of examination is both English and Hindi
- A student is declared pass on securing 40% marks in each paper and 50% marks in the aggregate.
Chapter and Regional councils
For providing service to members and the students the institute has constituted different regional councils and chapters in different states of the country. Student can contact these centers in case of any clarifications or information with regard to any matter concerning CS course.
Subscription Clause | MOA | CS Tset Series
- By Admin
- 24 April 2020
Subscription Clause | MOA | CS Tset Series
In this clause, the persons (includes a body corporate) subscribing to the memorandum declare their desire to be formed into a company and agree to take the shares indicated opposite their respective names.
Following are the statutory requirements regarding subscription of memorandum :-
(i) The memorandum must be signed by each subscriber in the presence of at least one witness who must attest the signatures;
(ii) Each subscriber must take at least one share; if any and
(iii) Each subscriber must write opposite his name the number of shares (if any) which he agrees to take.
Succession Clause (only in the case of OPC): This clause shall state the name of the person who, in the event of the death or incapacity to contract of the subscriber, shall become the member of the company. [This clause shall be the part of Association and Subscription Clause].
The above clauses are compulsory and are designated by the Companies Act as ―conditions‖, on the basis of which alone a company is incorporated.
The Memorandum must be signed by each subscriber in the presense of atleast ........ witness who must attests the signatures.
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 1
(d) None Of the above
Answer- C
Upgrade To CS Test Series 2.0 | Premium Test Series + Schedule Planning by ALL India Ranker - 1
- By Admin
- 22 April 2020
CS Test series 2.0
Register Now For Existing Students - CLICK HERE
Register Now For NEW Students - CLICK HERE
It is an upgraded test series for Premium users who can avail guidance from CS Professional All India Ranker and Crack their ICSI CS Exams
- Dual Evaluation for Test Series papers.
- Personal planning for exams by AIR-1 of CS Professional.
- Daily, Weekly & Monthly schedule for exams.
- Personal guidance & expert advice.
- Monthly performance reviews.
- If student will follow our schedule, 100% success guaranteed for clearing the exam.
Ms. Shruti Shah has successfully completed Company Secretary course in December - 2020,
she secured the All India Rank-1 in CS Professional- New Syllabus, batch- December, 2019.
Also, she was a rank holder of CS Executive course (AIR-7, batch- December, 2018)
as well as of CS Foundation Course (AIR-21, batch- December, 2017).
Apart from Company Secretary Course she's a Commere graduate from
Mumbai University and appearing for law entrance exams.
AIR-1 in CS Professional
AIR-7 in CS Executive
AIR-21 in CS Foundation
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